Meet the Board- Suzanne Hand

Friday, May 17, 2024 3:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Meet the Board

This month’s featured board member is our talented and dedicated VP of Finance. Suzanne Joined the ATD board 4 years ago. Suzanne would attend the ATD trainings that intrigued her and sit and talk with other chapter members. Having a background in finance, she originally offered to audit the books, and as they say, the rest is history.

What Suzanne enjoys most about ATD, is getting to meet and work with like-minded people toward a particular goal.

Meet Suzanne!

Suzanne currently works as the Senior VP of Mission Delivery for Girl Scouts of Maine where she oversees six departments, one of which is the adult learning department. She ran the adult learning team for several years before moving into the Senior VP role and says she still enjoys finding opportunities to develop and facilitate training.

“It has to give you joy or it’s not worth doing.”

For anyone who has had the pleasure of working with Suzanne when she’s wearing her facilitator hat, it is evident that she embodies the role. She is inquisitive and really listens to participants.

When talking about her experience transitioning from the learning team to her VP role, Suzanne emphasizes that it’s important to think about what you might miss and look for new opportunities. Any time you’re facing a big transition like that, she says it must be something you believe in, and you must be willing to put the effort into it. “It has to give you joy or it’s not worth doing.”

A fellow bookworm

When Suzanne isn’t working, she enjoys spending her time reading and she loves to be outside. It’s no surprise that she loves to sit on the rocks at Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park and read.

If you would like to connect with Suzanne, find her at an upcoming in-person ATD Maine meeting, or reach out to her at



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