Meaning & Punctuation: A New Year!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 12:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Did you ever read the book Eats Shoots and Leaves?

I loved it the moment I saw it! I'm sure it was partly my unwavering love for the Oxford Comma and my fond memories of the School House Rock video for Interjections! (Love me an exclamation point!!! or 3!!!)

Punctuation matters.

Certainly it matters in writing, but it matters in time, too.

Think about meetings--or parties or weddings or funerals or your day...

I love the punctuation holidays give us in a year. Those months without a single holiday just feel vast.

I'm sure there's some deep psychological reasoning, there, but the feeling is tangible for me. Is it for you?

The fresh page of a New Year holds so much hope and fresh energy. The indentation of a new year gives that "ready-set" to the "Go!"

What does your New Year hold?

What are you looking forward to? What are you happy to shed?

If you could have anything in the world happen this year, what would it be?

How will you fill your blank page, and how will you punctuate it? 

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