I'm a big advocate of feedback.
I like the idea and believe in the opportunities feedback provides to broaden understanding and perspective, as well as to improve performance.
I often request it, though I also find folks feel comfortable giving it to me unsolicited. Sometimes, I appreciate that a little bit less, but I try to hear it and consider the perspective.
I especially appreciate it less if: A. I don't see how the providers fit into the chain of impact for this topic, and B. if their input was requested but not given prior to development. Do you know what I mean?
I try not to give unsolicited explicit feedback, though I probably do it sometimes. My apologies.
It's important, right? Each of us can only see what we can see, so having others who can provide us breadth of perspective is terrific.
James Clear had a quote on a recent 3-2-1 newsletter: "The trick to viewing feedback as a gift is to be more worried about having blind spots than hearing about them."
Good point, James. Good point.
How do you receive feedback?
- Do you ask for it?
- Are you "gifted" it?
- How do you feel when you get it--all the feels for any of the types?
- What's your process with feedback?
- Do you check back? If so, how?
How do you give feedback?
- Under what conditions do you give it?
- Do you "package" it? (like the Oreo method)
- What goes on in your mind when you give feedback?
And What Else?
I'm asking because I'm curious? Will you please give me feedback about feedback?
Thanks in Advance!