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Assessments through the Learning Process
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Portland Country Club - Falmouth, Maine
46 registrants
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Assessments through the Learning Process
During this presentation, audience members will be invited to answer questions using colored response cards. This activity gives participants retrieval practice, followed by feedback from the presenter – a good way to help them retain information while observing the power of including questions in learning.
Assessments play a vital role in measuring employees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes. Effective assessments also help organizations identify learning needs, manage talent, monitor performance and ensure regulatory compliance.
This interactive presentation will explore the different types of assessments and explain their respective applications, with particular emphasis on how trainers and instructional designers can use assessments such as surveys, quizzes, tests and exams to enhance the learning process. It will also examine the connection between organizational needs and quality assessment practices.
Key concepts that will be addressed
About Our Presenter
: Eric Sheperd, CEO, Questionmark
Eric Shepherd, who maintains a blog at
, leads Questionmark in providing testing and assessment technologies and services to businesses, test publishers, credentialing organizations, government agencies, educational institutions and other organizations around the world. Recognized as one of the world’s authorities on assessment software, Eric has championed the use of online assessments for learning, qualifying and performing. He serves on the Board of Directors of the HR-XML Consortium and was instrumental in the development of the IMS Question and Test Interoperability (IMS QTI) standard. He has also served on the Association of Test Publisher's board and was the first chairman of ATP’s European Division. He has advised corporations, government departments, universities, schools and technical standards bodies on the deployment of online assessments and is a sought-after speaker for conferences and seminars around the world.
Registration required by the end of day Wednesday prior to the event.
Weather Policy
: In the event of bad weather, if the Falmouth schools are closed, the event will be cancelled.
Assessments through the Learning Process
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