Group Decisions Done Right – Bring more benefits than you can imagine

  • Tuesday, May 20, 2014
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • MAY LOCATION! Portland Country Club - Falmouth, Maine


  • Available to presenters and other complimentary members.
  • Available to members who have paid for membership and breakfast in advance.
  • Available to members with active annual memberships
Registration Closed

Group Decisions Done Right – Bring more benefits than you can imagine 

There are many best practices in the training and development field – for mentoring, project management, and customer service, to name a few. But did you know there are also best practices for group decision-making?

In this interactive presentation you will learn the key ingredients for making good group decisions: Common Goals, Shared Understanding, Right Process, Helpful Attitudes, and Responsible Actions. Hear inspirational stories about what works (and what doesn’t) and see demonstrations of specific techniques to help groups have better meetings, better communications, and better results.

Do decision-making processes at your organization take unnecessarily long? Are key individuals or even whole teams sometimes excluded? Do participants leave the process feeling frustrated? If you work with groups who want to collaborate better on decision-making, this presentation will provide you with steps you can take to make a positive difference.

About Our Presenter: Craig Freshley

CraigFreshleyCraig Freshley is a professional speaker, author, and meeting facilitator with an inspiring attitude and a well-earned reputation for helping groups be efficient, harmonious, and productive. He has professionally facilitated over 2,000 meetings where he has helped groups make good decisions. He is the owner of a Good Group Decisions, Inc. and the author of The Wisdom of Group Decisions. Craig works with a very wide range of clients including businesses, governments and non-profits of all sizes and in all sectors. Craig has degrees in Political Science, Philosophy, and Public Policy and Management. He lives live in a cohousing community which strives to make decisions by consensus. 

Registration required by the end of day Wednesday prior to the event.

Weather Policy: In the event of bad weather, if the Falmouth schools are closed, the event will be cancelled.

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