Managing Success: A Panel Discussion of Best Practices for Managing Learning Programs

  • Tuesday, June 18, 2013
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Portland Country Club, Falmouth, ME


  • Available to presenters and other complimentary members.
  • Available to members who have paid for membership and breakfast in advance.
  • Available to members with active annual memberships

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Managing Success: A Panel Discussion of Best Practices for Managing Learning Programs

Spark organizational growth and employee engagement with strategic and successful learning opportunities!  Join us for a discussion with organizational leaders across Maine sharing their best practices for managing learning programs. 

Learn more about,

• The current and evolving role of the learning manager in challenging environments

• The best practices in learning program management (i.e. needs assessment, adult learning theory, learning design theory)

• How the learning function partners with business leaders to enable execution of organizational strategy and improved performance

About Our Presenters:

June Panel moderator

Michelle Winn, CPLP, SPHR, currently serves as the Director of Training for Acadia Insurance and is the only person in Maine to have successfully completed the requirements to earn the Certified Professional of Learning and Performance (CPLP) designation from the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD). In addition to earning the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) designation, she was named a Distinguished Teacher by the US Presidential Scholars Program and is a recipient of the Aegis Excellence Award from the Navy for her work designing e-learning. Michelle has approximately 20 years of experience in the field of learning and development, serves on Board of Directors for the Maine Chapter of the ASTD, and instructs the "Managing Training and Development" course for USM's Human Resources Certificate Program.

Our panel consists of:

Mike DiRobbio, ASTD Maine Chapter President, and Manager, Hewlett-Packard Company

Tim Thornton, Manager of Professional Development Programs, USM Professional and Continuing Education

Kristin Wheelock, Manager of Staff Development and Training, Goodwill Industries of Northern New England

Kay Whitmore, VP of Human Resources, Training and Administration, Acadia Insurance Company

Sally Wilson, ASTD Maine Chapter President Elect, and AVP of Learning and Development, Androscoggin Bank

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