June eLearning Playgroup

  • Tuesday, June 04, 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
  • TD Bank Corporate Offices


  • Monthly meeting, first Tuesday of every month.

Registration is closed

Changing with the Times

Change is constant, especially when dealing with technology. How have you managed resistance to change in the past, whether it's from your clients, learners, peers or IT? What changes are you seeing on the horizon? Are you going more Agile in your process? Switching to a new development tool? Doing something entirely new?

When: Tuesday, June 4th, 2013, 8:30 - 10:00 am
Where: TD Bank Corporate Offices, 
70 Gray Rd, Falmouth, ME

Can't make it in person? Join virtuallyhttp://tdbank.adobeconnect.com/elpg/

Directions: TD Bank Corporate Offices are located just off Exit 53 off 95 at 70 Gray Rd, West Falmouth (04105),

From Exit 53, take a left onto Gray Road. TD Bank is immediately at your left. Enter via the front entrance and check-in with security.

Please review this Google Map with detailed directions.

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