Let's continue the discussion from the Maine ASTD meeting, "The Truth about Multitasking and Information Overload." What do you do with multitaskers taking your eLearning?
Do you try to engage them so much that they don't want to multitask? Do you lock the content so that learners can't get away? Do you embrace the habit and design your learning to be taken while distracted? What do you do?
When: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 - 10:00 am Where: TD Bank Corporate Offices
New! Can't make it in person? Listen in: 877-952-1760, Participant Passcode: 5123792
Directions: TD Bank Corporate Offices are located just off Exit 53 off 95 at 70 Gray Rd, West Falmouth (04105),
From Exit 53, take a left on to Gray Road. TD Bank is immediately at your left. Enter via the front entrance and check-in with security.
Please review this Google Map with detailed directions.
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