Wake up those participants! Incorporating activities into training sessions

  • Tuesday, June 19, 2012
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Portland Country Club, Falmouth, ME


  • Available to presenters and other complimentary members.
  • Available to members who have paid for membership and breakfast in advance.
  • Available to members with active annual memberships

Registration is closed

Wake up those participants! Incorporating activities into training sessions

Explore the elements of activities within training sessions.   When to use them? What is their purpose? How to choose which one to use? How important is the ‘debrief’? How can we make the ‘debrief‘ meaningful?


Activities are called by many names: ice breakers, openings, warm-ups, brainstorming, etc. Whatever we call them we can probably agree that they have a place in training programs.  


Come have fun with us as we get involved with this topic and take away some new ideas for your own training sessions. This will include a specific exercise and debrief activity. 


(Optional) If you want, bring one activity to share with everyone and take home dozens! Talk about ROI! Make 35 copies of your contribution with 3 hole punches (and even bring your own 3 ring binder if you want). Each person that contributes is entered into a drawing to win a dynamite book on activities!


About Our Presenters:

Maine ASTD Board Members

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