March Madness: Facilitative Leadership & the Wisdom of the Maine ATD Crowd

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2017
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Portland Country Club - Falmouth, Maine


  • Available to presenters and other complimentary members.
  • Available to employees of companies with a Corporate Bundle. For your registration code, please see your company's bundle administrator.
  • Available to members who have paid for membership and breakfast in advance.
  • Available to members with active annual memberships

Please join us on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 from 8 – 9:30 AM at the Portland Country Club, 11 Foreside Rd, Falmouth, ME. (Check-in, breakfast and networking begins at 7:30 AM.

*** Registration Closed ***



Share learning that you and other Maine ATD professionals value!

Ever wish you had more time to exchange talent development ideas at Maine ATD? That you had the chance to speak more to that interesting person at your table? Please join us for the opportunity to give and receive information, insight, and ideas. You’ll have the chance to select your own learning topics and discuss successes and lessons learned. Maine ATD folks’ facilitative leadership skills will help make the session a productive time. Sharing experiences and tips will make it memorable.

Some of the table discussion topics* you will choose from:

  • Trends in Learning Technology and Organizational Development
  • Excellent Learning Exercises
  • Ice Breakers, Session Enders and Engagement Activities
  • Making Meetings Dynamic
  • Marketing Your Ideas & Services Inside /To Organizations
  • Motivating Yourself and Others
  • EQ, Feedback, and Meeting One-on-One
  • Leadership, Change, and You
  • Project Management

 * Table discussion topics subject to change based on participants’ decisions


Bill Maxwell and Dawn Walker-Elders

As Principal at Bill Maxwell and Associates, Bill works with realistic optimism as a coach and business educator. He enjoys being a part-time instructor in Leadership and Organizational Studies at USM. He also enjoys focusing on leadership and change in individuals and organizations; this enjoyment has helped make him lucky enough to work internationally in Europe and Central America. Bill holds a Master of Science Degree in Educational Leadership and will always feel awkward about referring to himself in the third person.

As the Adult Learning Specialist for Girl Scouts of Maine, Dawn draws on her work with Interaction Associates, her experience teaching a College Transitions Program in Adult Ed, her MSEd and CVA, and her general delight in humans to support adults who build girls of Courage, Confidence, and Character to make the world a better place. She can also hook you up with cookies and an awesome camp opportunity!

Registration is required by noon, Friday, March 17th.

In the case of inclement weather, check the main page of after 12:00 pm the day before the scheduled meeting.

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  • March Madness: Facilitative Leadership & the Wisdom of the Maine ATD Crowd

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