When business people attend networking events, they tend to gravitate towards people they know, and don’t always meet new individuals or business contacts. The "throw-everyone-into-a-room" system of commonplace networking events is especially daunting for someone who may be shy or new to the marketplace.
SPEED NETWORKING is a new and fresh way to build your business contact list with an accelerated twist. The program is specifically designed to allow attendees the quick and entertaining opportunity to introduce themselves and pitch their company to other people in business.
The concept is straightforward: Find someone you don't know and strike up business-related small talk. But as most people will confess, networking is not easy. By pairing people up for a limited time, SPEED NETWORKING allows for structured and inclusive interactions and networking. No wallflowers!
In this session, you will,
Develop a 30-second “elevator pitch,” explaining exactly what you do and why your partner across the table wants to know.
About Our Presenter:
Lindsay Fisher has been in the human resource consulting business with D. Gallant Management Associates for eleven years. As the VP & Managing Director, Lindsay is responsible for the routine operation and strategic direction of the firm, its business development, client satisfaction and overall management of the firm. Lindsay’s projects and work experience have included Interim Human Resources Management, One-on-one Career Development & Executive Coaching, Retained Search, Employee Opinion Surveys, Employee and Management Training, Salary Administration & Job Descriptions, Affirmative Action Plan Development, HR Investigations, Conflict Resolution & Mediation.
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