Let's talk about collaboration. Continuing the discussion we started at our breakfast meeting about building more effective work relationships, let's share our best tips, tricks, and processes about collaborating with others.
I'll also do a quick demonstration of a new tool I've been playing with - Go Animate (goanimate.com).
As always, the eLearning Playgroup is online and free.
Log in @: https://plus.google.com/events/cn6h4vt5p5ro7u3eeo2jfv6ig70
Audio: 877-952-1760; Participant Code: 5123792
The eLearning Playgroup is an informal gathering of eLearning professionals that gathers once a month to discuss eLearning. We have no formal speaker, just a group of people - some with questions, some with answers, some with opinions, some with just a desire a learn, and some willing to share what they've done in the past. Join us, won't you?