Connectworking: Stand Up, Speak Up, and Stand Out!

  • Tuesday, December 15, 2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Portland Country Club - Falmouth, Maine


  • Available to presenters and other complimentary members.
  • Available to employees of companies with a Corporate Bundle. For your registration code, please see your company's bundle administrator.
  • Available to members who have paid for membership and breakfast in advance.
  • Available to members with active annual memberships


Please join us on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at the Portland Country Club (Falmouth, ME).

7:15 am    Coffee and networking
7:30 am    Buffet breakfast
8:00 am    Meeting begins
8:05 am    Presentation begins
9:20 am    Announcements
9:30 am    Meeting adjourns


Networking is the #1 unwritten rule for success. Kicking that up into high gear to make personal connections? That’s connectworking™!

This highly interactive, information-packed workshop should motivate and inspire those of you who want to shake up the status quo. It delivers relevant, valuable and actionable ideas and information with a fresh, jargon-free, common sense approach. Susan’s engaging, results-oriented style provides tools, techniques and strategies that will create opportunities to turn up the volume on the possibilities of connection.


Susan Dench

Susan founded Success & Co. to strengthen the bench of women leaders, accelerating the advancement of a diverse workforce, equipping women with the confidence and skills they need to handle progressively more important roles and increasingly complex challenges.

Registration is required by the end of day Wednesday, December 9th.

Weather Policy: In the event of bad weather, if the Falmouth schools are closed, the event will be cancelled.

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  • Connectworking: Stand Up, Speak Up, and Stand Out!

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