Embrace Change (at least a little!) by Shifting Your Point of View

  • Tuesday, February 17, 2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Portland Country Club - Falmouth, Maine


  • Available to presenters and other complimentary members.
  • Available to employees of companies with a Corporate Bundle. For your registration code, please see your company's bundle administrator.
  • Available to members who have paid for membership and breakfast in advance.
  • Available to members with active annual memberships


Please join us on

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

7:15 am Coffee and networking
7:30 am Buffet breakfast
8:00 am Meeting begins
8:05 am Presentation begins
9:20 am Announcements
9:30 am Meeting adjourns


This workshop promises high interactive engagement and an experience you won’t soon forget!  Shift/P.O.V. is a new interactive tool for turning resistance and stalled decision making into productive, creative collaboration. Each table group will tackle a case, argue two opposing sides in 2 timed rounds, and experience the suspense and surprise in between rounds with the Random Factors. The idea for Shift/P.O.V. was actually inspired by a 2013 Maine ASTD workshop Kym and Laurie did called “Rocking the Resistance”. Come and experience this updated version!

Participants will walk away with a sense of the benefits of framing a high stakes issue within a specifically structured game context, discovering their own relationship to change, opposition and collaboration, along with tools and insights to apply next time they encounter difficult group process.


At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  1. To expose participants to the benefits of tackling difficult issues within an engaging game structure, and to get them to identify their habitual response to change in general 
  2. To offer opportunity for participants to experience and engage a topic from both opposing sides
  3. To offer– through the Random Factors - the benefit of short “creativity breathers” away from the intensity of discussion


Kym Dakin

Kymberly Dakin,- Neal M. Ed 
Facilitator, training developer, voice coach and producer/narrator for a variety of educational audio products. She is Founder and Principle of Voice Into Learning, LLC.

Specialty: Experiential training for business and educational settings for more fully realized employee potential, improved company morale, and increased productivity.
Kym is also the creator of ShiftPOV, a unique group facilitation tool currently in product trials and recently accepted into the 2015 Top Gun entrepreneurial development program.

Kym was Partner and Curriculum Developer for LegacyMD, an interactive behavioral intensive training program for highly skilled physicians exhibiting problematic communication patterns. LegacyMD was cited in a number of recent medical texts, and has worked repeatedly with hospitals in New York, Louisiana and Texas.

Kym facilitates a series of ongoing trainings with the University of New Hampshire focused on behavior change in search committees, and has joined the Standardized Patient program at Maine Medical Center, a collaborative training effort with Tufts University, helping to train medical residents in more effective patient communications. 

Kym is the winner of the national narrative award, the Audie, and has recorded multiple books for BBC, Brilliance Audio, and Audible. 

Teaching credentials: Bowdoin College, USM, University of New Hampshire and the University of New England.

Registration is required by the end of day Wednesday prior to the event.

Weather Policy: In the event of bad weather, if the Falmouth schools are closed, the event will be cancelled.

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